
Graphenstone & architecture conference cycle

Graphenstone Headquarters- Sevilla - Spain

Eva Bermejo, restorer of Wahat Projects is presenting a summary of the restoration activities performed in Abasseya. She will be specifically explaining the use of graphene technology in the restoration and reinforcement of the coating of Sector B walls.


Abasseya in the Archaeological conference cycle of Osona

Archaeological research center of Osona - Catalonia - Spain

Jordi Gibert, archaeologist from Wahat Projects is presenting a summary of the Abasseya project in Vic, as part of a conference cycle organized by the Osona archaeological research center.


Official Opening of Abasseya site

Karima, Sudan

After eight consecutive seasons of archaeological excavation and restoration work, the site is ready for exhibition. On February 19th, the official opening to the community of Karima and the national authorities, was held.

The inauguration was attended by the authorities of NCAM: Dr. Al Hassan Ahmed, Dr. Murtada Bushara and Dr. Mustafa Ahmed El Sharif; by the local authorities: Mr. Montasser and Mr. Mohamed; and by the Department of Archeology of the University of Dongola: Dr. Faisal Abdulla. Representatives of the international missions working in the Napata area attended, too. Also, there were present the representatives of UNESCO who were carrying out an inspection of the sites in the area of Napata. Finally, a large number of workers who have participated in the archaeological work during these years and neighbors of Karima joined us in the celebration.


The 14th International Conference for Nubian Studies

Musée du Louvre and Université Paris-Sorbone Paris, France

Montserrat Díaz de Cerio and Ignasi Baches, archaeologists from Wahat projects presented at the 14th International Conference for Nubian Studies. Their work was titled: “Recent interventions in the pyramid Bar.26 (Barkal West Group)”. In their presentation they summarized the recent archaeological works performed in the West Group of Barkal necropolis and exposed the preliminary conclusions regarding the pyramid Bar.26 after an updated study of its decoration.


24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists: Reflecting Futures

Barcelona, Spain

Wahat Projects restorers: Margarita Alcobe and Eva Bermejo were at the "24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists: Reflecting Futures". In their presentation they summarized the restoration approach and methods taken in Abasseya, emphazising on the challenges faced due to the harsh weather conditions. Their work was titled: "Conservation and Restauration in Abasseya B site (Karima, Sudan)".


Barkal Pyramids - West Group

Jebel Barkal,Sudan

We are about to start a new project in Sudan! It consists in re-entering, studying and restoring the burial chamber of the Bar.26 pyramid which has decoration remains.


Abasseya Site - Season 2017

Karima,Sudan Jan. 20th - Feb. 24th, 2017

We are back in Sudan, about to start a new season in Abasseya. This year we will focus on finishing the excavation around the building and the main entrance. Also, we will continue with the restoration of the podium external wall to get them ready for display. Finally, we plan to start with the construction of the permanent fence and walkway for exhibition.


12th International Conference for Meroitic Studies 2016

Prague, September 5-9, 2016

During this conference, several of the main researches and experts on the Meroitic culture presented updates of their studies and projects in diferent subjects, such as archaeology, religion, conservation, pottery, etc. Wahat Projects presented a typological study of the pyramids (Bar.26 and Bar.27) belonging to the Barkal West Group, below is the abstract of the presentation.

The unknown royal necropolis of Jebel Barkal (West group) – Preliminary typological study

Montserrat Díaz-de-Cerio

Field Director of Abasseya Project

Wahat Projects

Between 1995 and 1996, the Spanish mission that worked in Jebel Barkal, discovered a new group of tombs. This small cluster, located to the west of the Northern and Southern groups identified by Reisner, is formed by different burials. Among them, the discovery of two new pyramids, one of them with decoration remains, stands out. These findings were presented in previous congresses and several articles, formulating the hypothesis that these pyramids could have belonged to the early Napatan period (VII BC to VI BC). Specifically, it identified pyramid Bar.26 with the tomb of the king who would have started the Barkal necropolis, relating this event to a unique political circumstance. This interpretation was controversial, not only because it identified the pyramid as belonging to a king not registered before, but mainly because the given chronology suggested that it was improbable that it belonged to the parallel dynasties identified by Reisner. Therefore, this interpretation set up a new problem when placing this king in the sequence of Meroitic kings and it represented, in general, an important reevaluation of the Meroitic chronology.

Due to the above reasons, we have analyzed from a structural point of view, the typology of the two pyramids that have been discovered. Regarding Bar.26, we have also considered the decoration and the texts found in the burial chamber. This approach attempts to shed some new light on a possible chronology for these structures, which can help to understand who could have been their original owners.